Saturday 27 August 2011

Photography tips

How to make the most out of photography?

  1. The saying ‘Practice makes a man perfect’, is tailor made for photography. The more you capture the better you will get at it. So, capture a series of shots; this will not only make you explore the different horizons of photography but also help you understand and develop a personalised style.

  2. There is no hard line as to how to go about taking a photograph. Nevertheless, it is always good to keep it focused, crisp and clear. It is as simple a fact that if you choose and focus on a particular feature of your subject the desired result can be attained.

  3.  Use of tripod or hard surface is a must to avoid camera shake for a clear and crisp photograph. Camera shake destroys the clarity and the sharpness of a photo making it soft. Softening of a photo altogether defeats the purpose when displayed at 100 percent resolution.